+971 ​50 632 1399


We are a general distributor and a local agent for product from four main industry branches: Hotel Supplies, Cosmetics trading, Ready Garments and Furniture trading. Our suppliers are well recognized manufacturers in the Europe, Asia and Middle East. Based in UAE, VIA Bombay General Trading company is a gateway for new brands and businesses, catering to commercial, quality-related and legal aspects of every sales transaction focusing on introducing new brands.


Hotel Linen

Via Bombay General Trading is pleased to offer you a complete selection of linens for your hotel linens needs. Our linens are made specifically for the hospitality industry. We strive to bring you the best quality a marketplace at wholesale prices. Via Bombay General Trading provides you with a variety of institutional linens; our linens consist of hotel linens, restaurant linens, hospitality linens, healthcare linens and banquet linens. Some of our offerings include hotel towels, hotel beach towels, hotel sheets, hotel mattress pads, hot hotel shower curtains, hotel bath rugs, hotel bath robes & slippers & hotel kitchen towels.Our commitment to providing you with the best quality hotel linens at the most competitive prices is our goal.


To find out more about Via Bombay and what we do, please get in touch.

 ​P.O. BOX 778537, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

+971 50 632 1399